Prayers of Love and Faith (PLF) is a collection of prayers, readings and other resources for praying with and for a same-sex couple who love one another and who wish to give thanks for and mark that love in faith before God.
Since 2017, the Church of England has been exploring questions about identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage and how these fit within the bigger picture of the good news of Jesus Christ.
A suite of Living in Love and Faith resources was published in November 2020 and the bishops of the Church of England invited church communities from across the country to use the resources to learn together, to listen to one another and to God. The link below provides information about Living in Love and Faith.
Everyone who took part was encouraged to share their insights, stories and reflections in order to contribute to the bishops’ discernment about matters of identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage.
During 2022, representatives of all three parishes in our Joint Benefice followed the programme of Living in Love and Faith provided by the Church of England. The experiences and thoughts of those who took part in this programme were shared with our congregations. The overwhelming view from our three parishes is that we welcome and support everyone.
From December 2023, the House of Bishops agreed to commend the Prayers of Love and Faith for use in existing church services.
For more details please contact Rev’d Canon Brian McConkey:
Phone: 07973740981