Sunday Services
8:00am - Holy Communion
A regular congregation attends each Sunday for the much loved traditional Book of Common Prayer 1662 service of Holy Communion, a quiet and reflective service with a shared ‘thought for the day’.
10:30am - Parish Eucharist
Our main Parish Eucharist follows the Church of England’s Common Worship Order One (Traditional or Seasonal Contemporary). We have an Open Table at St.Wilfrid's and all are welcome to receive Holy Communion with us.
During term time, children are welcome to join-in organised Junior Church activities in the Village Hall (adjacent), which begin shortly after the service starts. Children then return to the church for Holy Communion and to share their work with the congregation.
At regular points through the year, often to coincide with a Festival, we hold a Family Eucharist. These services are adapted to suit all ages and children are actively included in the service.
Each term we arrange for St. Wilfrid's Primary School pupils to attend on Sunday and take a full part in song, story and prayers.
6:00pm - Evensong (Monthly in Summer)
Evensong is held monthly at St. Savour's Stydd during the Summer months. This pattern is varied on Rogation Sunday, where the service begins at 5:00pm, at the conclusion of the Rogation Walk.